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Why More and More Men Are Opting for Botox®

Since Botox® first burst on the cosmetic scene in 2002, it’s held the top spot for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in the United States. In 2023 alone, there were nearly 10 million neuromodulator treatments in the US with Botox and its counterparts, including the ones we offer here: Dysport®, Jeuveau®, Daxxify®, and Xeomin®.

And if you think these impressive numbers get fueled by women alone, think again.

Dr. Tiffany Su and the Skin Shop Med Spa team are noticing that more men are coming through our doors looking for Botox treatments to keep them looking fresh and vibrant.

To give you an idea about why more men are choosing cosmetic injectables like Botox, read on.

Men age and lose collagen, too

Note that men aren’t immune to aging — they age just as much as women. The difference is that men have a higher concentration of collagen in their skin than women, but they still start losing collagen production in early adulthood by about 1% to 1.5% per year. This loss can add up over time.

Every time you smile, laugh, squint, and frown, lines form around your eyes, brows, and forehead. When you were younger, these lines disappeared along with your expression. As you age, however, the lines can become etched into your skin.

With Botox, we relax the muscles that form these lines to smooth out these expression lines, leaving you looking more like your younger self.

Treating the whole face

Neuromodulators like Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, Daxxify, and Xeomin excel in targeting the dynamic wrinkles around the top half of your face.

That said, the  Skin Shop MedSpa team goes further and treats the entire face, including the lower half around the chin, jawline, and neck. In the hands of our experienced master injector, neuromodulators can make a dramatic difference in your overall appearance, and many of our male clients appreciate this thorough approach.

Losing the angry look

Another reason more men are coming to see us for Botox and the like is to smooth out those frown lines that can make them look angry and intimidating.

With just a few injections, we can relax the worry and frown lines between your eyes to give you a more open and inviting appearance.

An easy anti-aging step

Just like women, men also love that  cosmetic injectable treatments are quick and easy. In mere minutes, we can inject the neuromodulator into your target areas, and then you’re free to get on with your day without skipping a beat.

Over the next 7-14 days, depending on the neuromodulator, you notice the treated lines and wrinkles start relaxing, leaving smooth skin in their place. These results can last three to four months, at which point you can return to our office for another quick round of injections.

So, if you’d like to join the scores of men turning to Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, Daxxify, and Xeomin to revitalize and refresh their appearances, contact our Houston, Texas, office to schedule an appointment today.

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